Welcome again!
Today i am going to share with you some information about mobile application.
Mobile application is a type application software designed to work on a mobile device,such as a smartphone or tablet computer.Mobile applications often serve to provide users with similar services to those that are available on the PC.

MALL is mobile assisted languane learning.
With MALL students are able to access language learning materials and to communicate with their teachers at any time.Today such techology is very convenient as a form of distance education.

QR code
QR code is used evrywhere today.QR technology provides many benefits for teachers. One of the benefits is that teachers save their time. QR codes can contain more than 3000 characters of information.Instead of typing a long web article to their students QR codes could give them direct and instant access to the same resoutce in the classroom or at home.

Quizlet (
Quizlet is the easiest way to learn and memorize the material you need.

Augmented reality

Aurasma makes it easy to create and use AR from teachers who teach the next generation..Aurusma allows students to add dimentions to the material and can embody abstract comcepts to help students see their application in the real world.


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